Wedding Photographers
in Frederick, MD
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What Makes Frederick Unique
Frederick is a great place for a wedding because it has all the amenities of a large city but a small-town feel.
There are many venues, from historic inns and mansions to modern hotels and restaurants. And because Frederick is located in the heart of Maryland's wine country, couples can enjoy wine tastings before or after their ceremony.
There are plenty of activities available in the area for guests who want to explore, including antique shops, art galleries, and golf courses.
Most Common Price Range in Frederick, MD
Average price for 7 hours of coverage: $4,023
Wedding Photographer Prices
Average Prices for experienced and pre-vetted wedding photographers in Frederick
The average price for a wedding photographer in Frederick for a typical 7 hour day is $4,023.
The average price for 1 additional hour of wedding day coverage is $337.
The minimum you can expect to pay for an experienced wedding photographer in Richmond, VA is $1,150 for the same 7 hours of coverage.
Some Richmond wedding photographers will give discounts for off-season weddings with an average of $58, and weekday discounts with an average of $101.
Many wedding photographers include an engagement session, but if you wish to add one on, the average cost is $404.
Popular Wedding Months in Frederick, MD
October is the most popular month for a wedding, followed by September and July
The most popular wedding date in Frederick, MD for 2025 is January 1
A few other great wedding photographers in Frederick, MD: Brad Barnwell Photography LLC, Emily Gude Photography, Brodie Ledford Studios, Mary Sarah Photography, Rodgers Polk Photography.
Finding Your Dream Wedding
Photographer in Frederick
There are many beautiful wedding venues in Frederick, Maryland. Here are just a few of the most popular:
We’re really proud of our 100% 5 star reviews on Google. WedMatch is completely free to use, and couples love us, so why not give it a try yourself?
Wedmatch takes the task of capturing your memories seriously and only invites proven photographers. We require they keep clients happy on a regular basis and have a strong working history. Our examination of the BBB catches the odd client complaint or pattern of problematic behavior we want to avoid. We want every photographer on our list to meet our high standards in delivering consistent work so you are thrilled as a result.
WedMatch is 100% free for couples to use. We make money by charging the Frederick wedding photographer a small referral fee when a couple books a photographer they found on WedMatch.
The truth is: slots fill up fast for certain pros. Book a photographer as soon as you know the date. Some couples have wedding vendors (like catering or a DJ) or a venue they want to choose a date around. Some couples want professional portraits and pictures more than anything else, so they base their date based on when their dream photographer is free. No matter your plan of attack, the photographer should be one of the first vendors booked to help tell your love story.
It usually takes just 10 minutes to get your results! We want to save you hours you would otherwise spend browsing all Frederick wedding photographers sites.
We have a high standard for quality, but styles can be all over the place! We encourage varying points of view and artistic perspective for each person on our list. We make it easy to compare your options.
Definitely! We have plenty of photographers who love small, intimate weddings.
Whether you are hoping for budget-friendly packages close to $500 for smaller requirements or are ready to pay anything for the best, we are here to help you find the pros that meet your financial needs. You might see luxury wedding photography packages as high as $10,000+ to cover the engagement session, full wedding day, destination travel and extra deliverables
Absolutely, all the wedding photography you see when you’re picking your favorites is from one of the photographers who met your requirements.
We believe that finding a Frederick wedding photographer should be fast, simple, and fun. Let us find your perfect match.