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Baltimore Florist

920 Light St, Baltimore, MD 21230 ,

Baltimore Florist is a fabulous local gem, located at 920 Light Street, offering an amazing variety of fresh flowers and unique gift ideas for every style, budget, and occasion. Whether it's a momentous celebration or a heartfelt tribute, these talented floral artists will create a stunning arrangement just for you. Their commitment to helping customers extends beyond their superb selection; they also provide daily delivery to funeral homes and hospitals in the area, ensuring your floral needs are satisfied seamlessly and with absolute convenience. Weddings, events, and everyday joy are onl...Read More

Notes from the Editor: Baltimore Florist is a local boutique flower shop that has received rave reviews from customers. One customer mentioned that the owner of the shop was very personable and accommodating, helping to create a beautiful bouquet for her daughter's birthday. Another customer praised the amazing job done on their arrangement and recommended buying local instead of using a national flower delivery service. A unique characteristic of Baltimore Florist is that Stephanie, the owner, has been creating beautiful bouquets since the age of sixteen. Customers have also mentioned the personal touch of the business, with Stephanie's dad even dropping off fresh blooms. The florist is known for their excellent customer service and reliability, always delivering on their promises. Stephanie and her team are highly recommended for weddings, as they are easy to work with and ensure that the couple's vision comes to life. The shop is always stocked with a wide array of beautiful flowers suitable for any occasion, and Stephanie's boundless enthusiasm and artistic touch make each bouquet unique and special. Overall, Baltimore Florist is a go-to place for gorgeous bouquets and exceptional service.

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Can you create custom flower arrangements for weddings and events?

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Do you offer delivery to funeral homes and hospitals?

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What services do you offer for weddings?

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How can I contact you to place an order or ask questions?