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Simplify your search – 100 top rated local wedding photographers narrowed down to your top 5 in less than 10 minutes.
We’re really proud of our 100% 5 star reviews on Google. WedMatch is completely free to use, and couples love us, so why not give it a try yourself?
I absolutely LOVED WedMatch! I’ve been using the knot and wedding have been SO stressed trying to find a photographer. Two thumbs up and 5 stars. Seriously.
Amber M.
Easiest website I have ever used. Set me up with multiple photographers in my price range and then they contacted me! Found my photographer on WedMatch and I love her!!!
Katelyn A.
I could not be more pleased with this process! I ended up booking within a week of using the site and I can’t say enough good things…I would highly recommend!! You will not be disappointed.
Taylor C.
We’ve pre-vetted over 100 wedding photographers in each state in every style and price range.
Our quiz narrows 100+ photographers to your top 5 in less than 10 minutes
WedMatch is always free for couples to use, and free for photographers to join
Pre-vetted for amazing reviews
Websites analyzed for consistency of work
Photographers of all prices and styles
100+ Wedding photographers per state
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Nope! WedMatch is 100% free for couples to use. We make money by charging the wedding photographers a small referral fee when a couple books a photographer they found on WedMatch.
We have no style preference; that’s completely individualized. We’ll include any wedding photographer that meets our vetting requirements mentioned above.
Each photographer on WedMatch was invited to join this website. We’re searching for photographers that make the most happy couples in a variety of price ranges. Reviews are most important. If a wedding photographer has glowing testimonials all around the web, we need them on WedMatch! Once we have checked reviews, we will make certain that there aren’t any complaints using the Better Business Bureau, dive into their portfolio to ensure their work is consistent, and that they can confirm a business license and proof of liability insurance coverage. They’re all eager to document your love story!
Absolutely! We have plenty of photographers who love small, intimate weddings.
Most couples can go through the process in about 10 minutes, looking at great wedding photography along the way – hours less than you might spend otherwise.
Absolutely, all the wedding photography you see as you’re picking your favorites is from one of the photographers who met your criteria.
Request to join WedMatch. The best way to book weddings 100% risk free! No monthly fees or pay per leads – ever.
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